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Stacey Dooley: Inside the Undertakers ©
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Friday, 13. September • 01:20 - 02:20

Stacey Dooley: Inside the Undertakers

Stacey Dooley: Inside the Undertakers


As a new mother, Stacey's worries for the future - and about death - have only exacerbated. In order to try to overcome her fears, she wants to face death head on, so joins the team of funeral directors at Nottinghamshire-based firm, AW Lymn, one of the largest independent funeral enterprises in the country. Stacey fully immerses herself in every aspect of the company's day-to-day work to discover more about the business of death - from arranging funerals to making coffins, learning more about embalming to carving elaborate headstones - and tries to get the answers she has been searching for.





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